Bourelle: “Even if you ask permission, I will not allow it.” By Rhonda Massad Mayor Georges Bourelle cracked down on c...

Lyme disease spreading as ticks cross border
By Robert Frank It’s Lyme disease season again. Bacteria-bearing ticks that have followed warmer climes north have carried Lyme di...

Quebec transfers mass transit taxing to cities
By Robert Quebec Transport Minister Robert Poëti met with metropolitan mayors in Montreal, at 3 p.m., April 24, to tell them ...

Police transported 36 donor organs in 2014
By Robert Last year, Laval’s finest carried three-dozen organs from human donors to surgeons in other cities waiting to impla...

Council replaces Vaillancourt-era artwork
Galati: “Sets our council in a different light” By Robert Art has triumphed over the personalities that formerly adorned the ...

Manning obtains Baie d’Urfé town hall plans
By Robert Councilor Brian Manning has obtained Baie d’Urfé’s architectural plans for a proposed new town hall via an access ...

Property prices up in first quarter
By Robert Laval residential real estate remained solid investment during the first quarter of 2015, reported the Greater Mont...

Kindergarten teachers rue reduced class time
Stein Day: “More difficult choices coming” By Robert Frank It was standing room only at Lester B. Pearson School Board (LBPSB) he...

Legion buys a few months’ peace
By Tracey Arial Last week, Joanne Proulx, Fred Jennings and Joseph Pugliese took a cheque for $52,880.80 to the LaSalle borough of...

Anti-corruption hotline callers can remain anonymous
By Tracey Arial Anyone who calls Laval’s new anti-corruption hotline can remain anonymous if they choose. So said Laval poli...