By Robert Frank Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT) is about to test whether Laval residents will accept parking fees at its ...

MNAs promote breast cancer screening to cultural communities
By Robert Frank Chomedey MNA Guy Ouellette noticed that the word on how to detect breast cancer early, while it’s still treatable,...

Sanofi encourages students to study science
By Robert More than 100 high school students and professionals gathered for a motivational seminar at Sanofi Canada headquart...

Game wardens pounce on fish poachers
By Robert More than 34 Quebec game wardens targeted illegal fishing in the waters around Laval, as well as the adjoining...

Sex-ed tools going online
By Robert Laval’s regional health authority (ASSS Laval) is promoting new tools that will help make teachers, parents and you...

Pet adoption day attracts some 600 Laval residents
By Robert Twenty-five found a new home, May 10, during the city’s fifth annual pet adoption day. In addition, city offic...

Acrosport trampoline camp refuses Jewish group
By Rhonda Massad Acrosport trampoline camp refused to take a booking from camp Ohr Menachem earlier this month, allegedly based on...

Third annual Leucan Race raises much more than anticipated
By Rhonda Massad Aquarelle school at 707 Marc Aurèle Fortin held its third annual Leucan Race to raise money for children with can...

Public mothers’ milk bank now operational under Hema-Québec
By Rhonda Héma-Québec has opened the first mothers’ breast milk food bank in Quebec. As of May 20, infants born extremely pr...

Angell Woods: Beaconsfield calls on Quebec to legislate
By Robert Beaconsfield this week continued its efforts to preserve development property in Angell Woods as green space. At it...