Assouline first Montreal Island Conservative nominee

Less government and lower taxes

Bernier, Minister for Small Business

By Kevin Woodhouse

Valérie Assouline has been acclaimed as the Conservative Party candidate in Pierrefonds-Dollard for the federal election of October 2015.

“It’s an honor to represent the Conservative Party of Canada under the leadership of our Prime Minister Stephen Harper. I have been living in the riding for more than ten years and I want to represent my constituents and have an ongoing dialogue with them to make positive and concrete changes. Our riding deserves a representative at the decision table of the federal government,” said the candidate to her supporters at the Dollard des Ormeaux Civic Centre on Sunday evening.

“In politics, you have to believe in something and we believe in the rule of law,” said Maxime Bernier at last Sunday’s candidacy introduction of Valérie Assouline for Conservative MP of the Pierrefonds-Dollard riding.

The Minister of State for Small Business and Tourism and MP for Beauce told the 200 plus Assouline supporters at the DDO Civic Centre that the government does “not want to re-open the constitution but wants to respect the current law as it stands.”

“We also want to respect the privacy of Canadians without being involved in every aspect of their day to day lives,” said Bernier. “Our platform is simple; we want to reduce government and lower taxes for Canadians.”

The minister also spoke about the need to support small and medium businesses so that they can grow and continue to provide jobs and economic growth for the country. “This is why our government has been signing free trade agreements with other countries and with the E.U. so that businesses will face less quotas and tariffs,” said Bernier.

“The recipe for election success is to reduce government, lower taxes and respect the constitution,” concluded Bernier to enthusiastic applause.

Assouline told the assembled that one of the main reasons why she is running for public office is “the responsibility towards my children and our children for their future so that we can give us a country we can all be proud of. I know the importance of a strong job market and want people to have the same opportunities I have had since coming to Canada from Morocco when I was four.”

The lawyer and mother of four praised the West Island’s diverse population that can live together “as one and we all care for our neighbours.” Assouline also wants to do more to help area families facing food insecurity because “there are too many struggling families on the West Island.”

Concerning the events of last week involving the deaths of soldiers Patrice Vincent and Nathan Cirillo, former Pierrefonds-Dollard MP Gerry Weiner, who represented the Conservative Party starting in 1984, told the gathering that while “the central institution of our democracy was under fire, we must not let it change us.”
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