Pierrefonds Community Center hosts farewell to Station 3 commander

Action jeunesse l’ouest de l’île organizes tribute to Commander Michel Wilson

By Jim Morrison

The Pierrefonds Community Center in association with Action jeunesse l’ouest de l’île (AJOI), were on hand to pay tribute to outgoing Police Commander of Station 3, Michel Wilson Thursday, June 26. 

Commander Wilson is retiring from the force after a distinguished 31 year career.

AJOI and Police Station 3, Pierrefonds has collaborated in recent years, educating troubled youths in becoming responsible citizens.

“We work together as a team. We make sure we are present in offering life tools to troubled kids. The crime rate has decreased significantly the past year,” a proud Wilson told The Suburban.

Commander Jacques Bisson becomes the new Commander of Station 3, which employs 71 people. AJOI is represented by Rachel Arcelin who works as the youth intervention agent within the location. 

“It is great to have Benoit Langevin and AJOI working within our community,” added Wilson.
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