By Rhonda No Auditions — only a love of music is required to join the Musicanto Choir. Starting the week of Sept. 18, the Mu...

Dolce Vita Ste. Rose helps build relationships between neighbours
By Rhonda The Dolce Vita Ste. Rose free Italian gourmet festival is where one can discover the richness of Italian culture t...

The West Island takes the ALS Bucket challenge
By Rhonda Oprah, Justin Bieber, Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, the New York Jets, Kermit the Frog, the Montreal Canadians, Montreal ...

Chapters Indigo Pointe-Claire aids West Island Women’s Shelter
By Jim Morrison Chapter’s Indigo, Pointe Claire, was the site Friday night in an innovative method of fundraising towards aiding T...

Exit 41 in Ste. Anne de Bellevue to finally open as temporary measure
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Verdun family facing deportation Friday
By Tracey Several neighbours are working hard to help Tarek Mohamed Khalifa and Samah Sayed Abdel Meguid stay in Canada. Unle...

Beaconsfielders want styrene plant evacuation plan
By Robert Frank Officials have nixed a request to double the storage capacity of a West Island styrene plant, Mayor Georges Bourel...

Laval Technopole predicts investment worth $1.1 billion
By Robert Frank Laval’s economy will continue to outpace most of the province in 2014, the city has predicted. “Laval Technopole p...

Opposition responds to Galati defection
By Robert Laval’s opposition leader has questioned Paolo Galati’s account of why he left the Action Laval municipal political...

Mack Trucks relocation to Laval paid off handsomely
By Robert So popular is Mack Trucks’ decision to move its maintenance facility from Montreal to Laval, earlier this year, tha...