www.thesuburban.com I was going to vote Liberal in the next federal election, but if Marcus Tabachnick runs in my riding of Pierrefonds-Dollard, I can...

Lamontagne shakes up city’s civil service
By Robert Frank www.thesuburban.com City council approved a restructuring of Laval’s civil service, during its March 10 meeting. The reorganization wa...

Rampant non-francophone poverty needs urgent attention
By Robert Frank www.thesuburban.com Laval could learn from Paris. Like the capital of France, the city has two faces: It offers tony neighbourhoods fo...

Employers brace for changing face of Laval workforce
By Robert Frank www.thesuburban.com With a significant proportion of workers aged over 50 getting set to retire, Laval’s booming economy will soon nee...

After Sochi success, Laval firm takes aim at Rio
By Robert Frankwww.thesuburban.com Hot on the heels of Show Canada’s triumph staging the Winter Olympics opening ceremonies in Russia, general manager...

Sinking home? City considers offering help
By Robert Frankwww.thesuburban.com Homeowners whose houses are crazed with cracks might be able to get help from city hall. The city said in a stateme...

International Vocational College opens downtown
LBPSB attracting students from 25 countries around the world By Robert Frankwww.thesuburban.com Lester B. Pearson School Board (LBPSB) officially inau...

LBPSB high-school programs for foreign students thriving
Lindsay Place, Beurling students heading to China By Robert Frank www.thesuburban.com In addition to its new International Vocation College, LBPSB als...

Laval five-year plan highlights scope of immigrant poverty
By Rhonda Massadwww.thesuburban.com Laval last week released its 2014-2019 development plan for the region. The 75-page document, compiled under the a...

Pearson Electrotechnology Centre
Telecommunications Museum a gateway to history By Jim Morrison www.thesuburban.com The history of Canadian telecommunications hits you the moment you ...