«Le respect est très important” Par Robert Frank www.thesuburban.com Les quatre députés libéraux élus pour représenter les circonscriptions de L...

Les jeunes comédiens du Collège John Abbott se retrouve de nouveau sur la scène mondiale
Encore une fois il s’agit du seul collège canadien choisi pour jouer une pièce de théâtre à Édimbourg Par Robert Frank www.thesuburban.com Vingt...

Laval Liberal MNAs unequivocally oppose Bill 14
“Respect is so important” By Robert Frank www.thesuburban.com All four Liberal members elected to represent Laval ridings in Quebec City j...

“Just say no!” Swiss Vienna Pastry and Deli asks OQLF agent to leave his premises
Facebook site launched & Sunday Buy-in held to support Harry Schick By Kevin Woodhousewww.thesuburban.com Last week, Harry Schick, the owner of th...

Earl Jones could be paroled by Fall
No hearing scheduled for day parole as April deadline passed By Kevin Woodhouse www.thesuburban.com When fraudulent businessman Earl Jones was sentenc...

Suburban report spurs dozens of new fraud charges
More seniors swindled by same scam answer appeal to come forward By Robert Frank www.thesuburban.com Roger Laroche is back in court this week, to face...

Support available for beleaguered Laval caregivers
Services now available in English By Robert Frank www.thesuburban.com Laval’s caregivers’ association (www.aldpa.org) began last week to r...

Ouellette pans Péquistes pillorying Supreme Court of Canada
By Robert Frankwww.thesuburban.com Guy Ouellette says that the Parti Québécois government has gone overboard by distorting the objective of asking the...

Laval police beat
By Robert Frank www.thesuburban.com A lascivious look left a 66-year-old Laval man recovering from a collapsed lung, after he eyed the young woman wai...

U.S. Consul to highlight opportunities for Laval exporters
By Robert Frankwww.thesuburban.com Acknowledging Laval’s growing economic clout, the top American diplomat in Quebec, Consul-General Andrew Park...