Laval’s 39th annual blood donor clinic tapped 884 residents this year for the gift of life, Sept. 8, exceeding its 850-donor objective.
“It’s the biggest annual blood donor clinic in Canada,” enthused city spokeswoman Nadine Lussier, who attributed the success to a concerted municipal effort.
“Hard work is the key, and for many years Mayor Gilles Vaillaincourt has been
This year, the city enlisted Laval boxing star Jean Pascal to promote the campaign.
“Every 80 seconds, someone in Quebec needs blood,” Pascal said. “The gift of blood is the best gift that we can give.”
Called on cultural communities
He and city councilor Sylvie Clermont appealed, in particular, to Laval’s cultural communities to come out and support the clinic, because “their blood is better at helping to treat certain hereditary blood disorders.”
“This is something that the city of Laval can be proud of,” Lussier remarked. “It shows how dynamic this city is, how involved people are in the life of our neighbourhoods and how strongly they believe in this cause.”
Lussier, who herself donated blood at the Bois de Boulogne sports centre clinic, noted that Laval municipal employees are encouraged to participate.
“Any employee who wants to give blood that day gets time off work without penalty. That provides an incentive for us to go and be a part of this big, big adventure. As a result, Laval employees figured prominently as a proportion of donors on Saturday.”
Mayor Gilles Vailloncourt joins Laval blood donor clinic president and municipal councilor
Sylvie Clermont in thanking a Laval resident for her gift of life, Sept. 8. Laval’s campaign—the
largest blood draw in Canada—exceeded its objectives again this year.