Loffreda awarded Diamond Jubilee Medal

recognized for his tireless devotion to the vulnerable and disadvantaged

By Robert Frank

Westmount resident Tony Loffreda received the Queen
Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal during a ceremony in Ottawa, Sept. 26.
Sen. Noël Kinsella officially presented the medal during a
ceremony in the Senate chamber on Parliament Hill. Senators Leo Housakos and
Larry Smith were also on hand for the occasion.
Loffreda earned the distinction for his exemplary support
of humanitarian causes. He is best known for his leadership in fundraising for
the Montreal
Cancer Institute, the Jewish General Hospital and the Kidney Foundation.
However the head of Royal Bank’s commercial financial services for
Western Quebec and the head of the national client group was given the name “The Rainmaker” by The Suburban editor Beryl Wajsman in a profile written last December highlighting Loffreda’s ability to help
raise millions of dollars for a much wider range of worthy causes.
“There are never enough hours, but it’s important,” Loffreda told The Suburban in that story, which highlighted his philanthropy. He was remarking on a fundraiser to help brain-injured Canadian soldiers who had served in
Loffreda, who refers to himself as “just a kid from Ahuntsic”, is
also a strong supporter of Montreal International, the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec and the John Molson
School of Business.
Canada minted the Diamond Jubilee Medal to mark the 60th year of
Queen Elizabeth II’s reign, as a way to recognize people who have made a
significant contribution to Canadians.
“In granting you this honour,” Governor General David Johnston
wrote in a letter congratulating Loffreda, “I thank you for your dedicated
service to your peers, to your community and to Canada.”
“The contributions you have made to our nation are most commendable
and deserve our praise and admiration.”
(Left to right)
Sen. Noël Kinsella, RBC vice-president Tony Loffreda, Sen. Leo Housakos and
Sen. Larry Smith.
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