Laval trucker survives multiple vehicle accident

By Robert Frank

Laval resident Surinder Pal Arora and
his fellow driver Kiranpal S. Lubana
escaped injury when their Quebec-bound
tractor trailer truck carrying baby formula from Virginia slid from the left lane
onto the median of Interstate 81 in Sandy
Creek, NY, around 12:38 a.m., Oct. 2.

York state police said that the truck hit a
guard rail, bending it across the highway
and causing Arora’s truck to jackknife.

Two vehicles subsequently struck the guard rail: a small car driven by American
solder Syed Sheraz, who was taken to
hospital in Watertown, NY, to treat back
injuries, and a rented truck whose driver
police did not identify.

New York state
trooper Jack Keller told The Suburban that emergency respondders were still at the scene, 12 hours later.
The highway was closed in both directtions, while maintenance crews removed
Arora’s truck and 18 pallets of baby formula.

Police charged Arora with driving
infractions for changing lanes unsafely
and failing to keep right.

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