By Rhonda Massad
The Last Post Fund resumed traditional Remembrance Day ceremonies this year after cancelling last year due to the death of its main organizer, RCAF Lt.-Col. Yves Martin, prior to the commemoration.
The ceremony began promptly at 10:30 a.m. with the raising of the Canadian flag.The final resting place of more than 22,000 Canadian and Allied veterans and their loved ones was then washed with the sounds of the National Anthem sung by more than 100 souls gathered to remember.
The guest of honour veterans ombudsman Mr. Guy Parent, paid tribute with a heart felt speech commemorating those 66,000 men and women lost in World War I. He pointed out that the recent tragic loss of two soldiers on Canadian soil were reminders of the hardship facing our military and their families.
The Last Post bugle call and a gun salute flanked two minutes of silence.
Children from Beacon Hill elementary school recited Binyon’s Lines, a poem honoured for World War I British war dead of that time.
As we who are left grow old
Age shall not weary them
Nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun And in the morning
We will remember them
After which the poem