Some cities soon to hit one-to-one pensioner-to-worker ratio By Robert Frank According Jean Rousselle, the arithmetic is simple—an...

Civic politics becoming more civil
By Robert Frank It has been refreshing to see Laval’s municipal leaders start to take some of the harder edges off city politics. ...

Crown drops charges against two teen sexters
Remaining eight referred to youth protection By Robert Frank The Crown prosecutor has dropped charges against two of the ten teena...

Lagacé Dowson joins race
By Joel Ceausu Montreal broadcaster Anne Lagacé Dowson has announced her candidacy for chair of the English Montreal School Board....

Large cuts, changes could follow school board elections
Use it or lose it By Joel Ceausu As the first school board election in seven years rolls closer across the province, many are soun...

Third world cash, turf wars and territories
Anglo school boards By Joel The English Montreal School Board (EMSB) struggles with declining enrollment and an increasingly...

School board council wraps up
International program gets light, heat By Joel Ceausu Last week’s Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board (SWLSB) council meeting was a l...

Feds give Laval $120 million
By Robert Frank Senator Claude Carignan announced at a Sept. 22 news conference that the Conservative government will give more th...

New flood-zone rules coming in November
By Robert Frank Laval residents who own property near the shoreline will soon learn how the city plans to modify flood zone restri...

Citizens concerned by Beaconsfield tree policy
By Robert Frank “Tree canopy covers 35 per cent of Beaconsfield, out of which 20 per cent—or seven per cent of our total territory...