Increased presence translates into increased fines
By Kevin Woodhouse
Following a less than stellar back to school last August in Ste. Anne de Bellevue where late night revelers engaged in more late night incivilities associated with the over consumption of alcohol, many residents living within walking distance of the town’s main street complained to the city.
Working together with Montreal Police Station 1, officers and the town’s administration came up with the notion of issuing larger fines for public disturbances between the hours of 11 p.m.-7 a.m., and bylaw 770 was adopted by Ste. Anne’s council this past April.
Now, would be yellers, fighters and public urinators will be issued fines ranging from $100-$500 for a first offence.
As school winds to a close and the summer months approach, officers from Station 1, as well as the city’s municipal patrol, will be increasing their presence within Ste. Anne de Bellevue’s city limits, particularly on Thursday and Friday evenings when the bulk of the complaints have occurred in the past once the bars on the main street closed for the evening.
For citizens and students interested in the city’s new bylaw pertaining to night time incivility, go online at www.sadb.qc.ca and to find out more about Station 1’s recent initiatives, log onto www.spvm.qc.ca/en/PDQ1.