By Lisa If we want Quebec to develop its international reach, it’s important to celebrate the exporting firms who are doing it...
Police officer brutally beaten by motorist
Another two officers injured coming to his rescue By Robert A bad road rage incident has put a Laval traffic policeman on ext...
Konidis: Souvenir-Labelle residents want city to solve snow, garbage removal woes
By Robert It’s time to put an end to banning parking on both sides of city streets after heavy snowfalls, Dennis Konidis told...
Lack of communication plagues Laval administration – Foucher
By Lisa Independent Mayoral Candidate Jacques Fourcher has outlined his vision for the future of the City’s administration, an...
By Jacques Gagné A département in the Paris region. Oldest notarial act is dated ...
French National Archives
By Jacques Gagné The Archives nationales de France is one of the oldest and largest in Continental Europe. This archives can be reach...
Independent Search Engines in France
By Jacques Gagné There are many search engines in France that cover civil registers, parish registers, tables décennales, notarial ac...