By Kevin Woodhouse
Last year’s event had to be postponed due to heavy winds and high waves but Pierrefonds-Roxboro will be once again hosting Route Bleue, an opportunity for Montreal area paddlers to take part in a day long canoe ride.
The event, which debuted in 2013 and had more than 150 participants, takes canoe enthusiasts along a watery route for an afternoon of communal paddling that begins at Cap St. Jacques Nature Park in the borough with the destination at Parc Beausejour in Ahuntsic-Cartierville for an afternoon barbecue.
This year’s edition was officially kicked off by Pierrefonds-Roxboro Mayor Dimitros Jim Beis and Ahuntsic-Cartierville Mayor Pierre Gagnier during a recent press conference.
“During the Physical Activity Month and as part of Montréal Bouge, and in response to the Ville de Montréal’s Sports and Physical Activity Policy, I am pleased of the Pierrefonds-Roxboro Borough participation in this unique experience that is offered to all citizens,” explained Beis. “I invite you to navigate Rivière des Prairies: A nautical activity accessible to all no matter their experience level. With family, friends or colleagues, take advantage of this opportunity to try a new sporting activity or practice your favourite. A wonderful panorama of the West Island’s banks awaits you!”
“Participants in the Relais rivière du Tour de la Route have a wonderful opportunity to discover Rivière des Prairies from a different angle,” noted Gagnier. “In Ahuntsic-Cartierville, we are proud to have Rivière des Prairies at our northern border. I invite you to be present at the Water Festival to welcome the participants at their arrival at the parc de Beauséjour, one of Ahuntsic Cartierville’s 17 magnificent parks that border Rivière des Prairies along 15 km.”
Any paddler six years and older is invited to participate and experienced canoeists and marine patrol officers from the SPVM will be on hand to ensure safety. Canoes and kayaks as well as life preservers will be supplied but boating enthusiasts are free to bring their own crafts for the event.
In order to secure a spot for the Saturday, June 15th activity beginning at 11 a.m., go online at