By Michelle International Trade Minister Ed Fast held a workshop in Laval last week encouraging Canadian small business to ex...

Laval snow removal supplier caught skimming
By Rhonda A zero tolerance policy for all suppliers in Laval terminated a contract with Entreprise Sylvestre and Mathieu, a ...

Laval joins forces with other Quebec municipalities against Canada Post
By Rhonda In 2013, Canada Post implemented a five point action plan, which is expected to contribute financial benefits of a...

Intelligent parking campaign still underway in Laval
By Tracey Arial, with files from Robert Frank About a third of the more than 30 people who attended Pierre Anthian’s intelligent p...

Realistic Hope: Living with a Terminal Diagnosis
These remarks were written February 24, 2015, for a service that was held at the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Canton, New York, Sunday, March 1, 2...