Primary cities: Metz,
Boulay-Moselle, Château-Salins, Forbach, Sarrebourg, Sarreguemines, Thionville
Boulay-Moselle, Château-Salins, Forbach, Sarrebourg, Sarreguemines, Thionville
This web site only offers
a portion of the Parish and Civil Registers online which has been
digitized as of August of 2013. Within a year, the availability of
fonds will greatly improve as to the online content.
a portion of the Parish and Civil Registers online which has been
digitized as of August of 2013. Within a year, the availability of
fonds will greatly improve as to the online content.
A portion of the Parish
and Civil Registers of Moselle are presently available online within the Archives
départementales de Meurthe-et-Moselle
and Civil Registers of Moselle are presently available online within the Archives
départementales de Meurthe-et-Moselle
• Archives en ligne
en Moselle – Online Archives in Moselle
en Moselle – Online Archives in Moselle
• Registres
catholiques – Registres paroissiaux – 1672-1792 –
Catholic Parish Registers – 1672-1792
catholiques – Registres paroissiaux – 1672-1792 –
Catholic Parish Registers – 1672-1792
• Registres de
l’état civil – 1793-1891 – Civil Registers – 1793-1891
l’état civil – 1793-1891 – Civil Registers – 1793-1891
• Registres
protestants – Registres paroissiaux – Protestant Church
protestants – Registres paroissiaux – Protestant Church
• Registres
protestants – Église réformée de Metz – 1667-1785 –
Protestant Registers – Reformed Church of Metz – 1667-1785
protestants – Église réformée de Metz – 1667-1785 –
Protestant Registers – Reformed Church of Metz – 1667-1785
• Registres
protestants – Registres paroissiaux de l’ancien arrondissement de
Briey pour la quasi-totalité des communes de cet arrondissement. Voyez le site des
archivesdépartementales de Meurthe-et-Moselle –
Registers for the region of Briey for the majority of communes
within said region
protestants – Registres paroissiaux de l’ancien arrondissement de
Briey pour la quasi-totalité des communes de cet arrondissement. Voyez le site des
archivesdépartementales de Meurthe-et-Moselle –
Registers for the region of Briey for the majority of communes
within said region
• Registres
protestants – Registres pastoraux de Courcelles-Chaussy, Lixhem,
Le Temple de Metz et le Temple de la Horgne pour la période de 1667-1685
– Protestant Registers from 1667 to 1685 in the cities and towns of
Courcelles-Chaussy, Lixhem, Metz, La Horgne
protestants – Registres pastoraux de Courcelles-Chaussy, Lixhem,
Le Temple de Metz et le Temple de la Horgne pour la période de 1667-1685
– Protestant Registers from 1667 to 1685 in the cities and towns of
Courcelles-Chaussy, Lixhem, Metz, La Horgne
• Registres
protestants – Registres luthériens – Le registre
luthérien de Mittersheim et Vibersviller – 1605-1635 –
Protestant Registers from 1605 to 1635 of the Lutheran Churches in Mittersheim
and Vibersviller
protestants – Registres luthériens – Le registre
luthérien de Mittersheim et Vibersviller – 1605-1635 –
Protestant Registers from 1605 to 1635 of the Lutheran Churches in Mittersheim
and Vibersviller
• Registres protestants – États de la
population protestante – Metz (1654 et 1715)
/ Courcelles-Chaussy (1715-1746 et 1787) / Hangviller
(après 1787) / Berling (après 1787) –
Status of Protestant Families in Metz (1654 & 1715), Courcelles-Chauusy
(1715-1746 & 1787), Hangviller (after 1787), Berling (after 1787)
population protestante – Metz (1654 et 1715)
/ Courcelles-Chaussy (1715-1746 et 1787) / Hangviller
(après 1787) / Berling (après 1787) –
Status of Protestant Families in Metz (1654 & 1715), Courcelles-Chauusy
(1715-1746 & 1787), Hangviller (after 1787), Berling (after 1787)
• Wikipédia
Liste des communes de la Moselle – 730 communes – Listing of the
730 communes of the Moselle (villages, towns,
townships, cities)
Liste des communes de la Moselle – 730 communes – Listing of the
730 communes of the Moselle (villages, towns,
townships, cities)
• Listes des anciennes communes de la Moselle – Listing of ancient communes
of the Moselle
of the Moselle
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