Harper promises Laval more economic growth

By Robert Frank

Laval matters. Sensing a possible breakthrough here for the Conservative party, Prime Minister Stephen Harper added an appearance in Quebec’s third-largest city to kick off his 2015 federal election campaign this week.

Flanked by factory workers, Harper spoke to a crowd of party faithful on the shop floor Spectra Premium, a Chomedey auto parts manufacturer, early Monday morning.

He promised to carry on the Conservatives’ economic stewardship and, if elected, to boost tax credits for apprenticeships.

Harper expressed concern that a spendthrift New Democratic or Liberal government could lead Canada into a “permanent recession…like in Greece.”

Leading off the campaign in Laval and the previous day in Mount Royal signaled the Conservatives’ resolve to make electoral inroads in Quebec when voters go to the polls, Oct. 19.

He said that Quebecers don’t want to see their taxes continue to climb, and highlighted his government’s record of reducing taxes.

As previously reported in The SuburbanConservative candidates like Roland Dick (Laval les Îles) have already succeeded in moving beyond their militants. Dick has attracted significant support from across the political spectrum, while Liberal and New Democrats competing to win over the same voters to their side.

The Harper campaign bus left Laval to head to Kingston, where he subsequently hit the hustings in Ontario.

Sensing Conservative breakthrough in Laval, Prime Minister Stephen Harper brought an upbeat economic message to Chomedey auto workers, Aug. 3.

Photo © Robert Frank

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