Inoculation records go electronic

By Robert Frank

www.thesuburban.comLaval residents’ immunization records went digital on a new health care digital database.
“When you get vaccinated, all the information is recorded in the registry,” Laval health care authority spokeswoman Stéphanie Daigneault told The Suburban.
“You can’t do it yourself,” she explained in an interview. “Quebec health care professionals like doctors and nurses enter the information into the system once they become aware of the inoculation and have verified that it has been administered.”
For now, Daigneault said, the system is only deployed in medical facilities like the Cité de la santé superhospital and your local CLSC.
“It records your name, date of birth, gender, home address and vaccinations that you have already received, as well as listing your allergies,” she added. “That means that anywhere you are in Quebec, your health care professional can find out what vaccinations you have received. That helps to avoid giving you a vaccination that you don’t need, and can provide a reminder, in case you need a booster shot.”
Despite the new system, you should keep your existing immunization booklet, Daigneault urged. It could be required for travel abroad or other purposes in places where the Quebec immunization database is unavailable.
“You can’t access the registry,” she said, “so the new database doesn’t replace the booklet.”
Daigneault also reminded people who are vaccinated outside Quebec to keep the official vaccination form and give it to a health care official when they return home, to ensure that the information is properly updated in the database.
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