Province provides $2.75 million to repair Chomedey schools

By Robert Frank

Chomedey MNA Guy Ouellette announced yesterday that the Quebec government will give Laval schools more than $6 million to conduct much-needed maintenance.

Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board (SWLSB) will receive $2.75 million to fix up two Chomedey schools: Hillcrest Academy on Bladen, near Samson and Highway 13; as well as Laval Liberty High School and Laurier Senior School, which are co-located in the same building on Souvenir, adjacent to city hall.

“We are pleased to receive these allocations. They will allow us to proceed with projects in two of our schools in Chomedey,” SWLSB chair Jennifer Maccarone said in a statement.

The cash infusion will permit SWLSB to fix the roofs and parking lots there. The Souvenir campus is also slated to get new windows.

“These generous sums announced by the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sports go beyond school infrastructures, as they guarantee a safe and enjoyable environment for our students and for our staff,” Maccarone said.

The rest of the money—nearly $3.4 million—will go to Commission scolaire de Laval for work on seven of its schools.

Ouellette added that he was pleased that Chomedey schools will benefit from Quebec City’s largesse.

“These projects will help improve students’ learning conditions, by providing them a healthy and comfortable environment in which to study,” he said.

SWLSB chair Jennifer Maccarone (centre) joined Chomedey MNA Guy Ouellette as he announced grants to Laval schools.
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