Commuters can pay bus fare online

By Robert Frank

By the end of April, Laval commuters will be able to use their home computers to pay for their monthly bus pass.

“We have signed an agreement with Chase Paymentech, which will be the official provider to handle the transactions,” David de Cotis told The Suburban.

“You will be able to make the payment using your credit card,” the Laval transit authority chairman said in an interview. “In the future, you will be able to charge your Opus card using your bank debit card as well. It will spare Laval commuters the long lineups at dépanneurs or Metro ticket offices.”

There is a catch: For your computer to read your Opus card, you’ll have to buy a card reader that will plug into your computer. From quick scan online, it appears that the devices are easily obtained from vendors like Amazon for less than $20.

“The user will insert their opus card reader into the computer’s USB outlet, connect to the Société de transport de Laval website and enter their credit card information to replenish their Opus card,” de Cotis explained. “It’s very quick and efficient. Why should you have to waste time in a lineup that you could instead be spending with your family?”

“We strive for technological leadership among transit authorities,” he crowed. “We’re trying to remain in the avant-garde and are one of the first to implement this option.”
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