WIHSSC fights against ragweed

By Kevin Woodhouse

While the warm and sunny summer weather does wonders for the body and spirit, allergy sufferers know all too well that summer can also bring misery with the many blooming plants and flowers releasing their pollen everywhere.

As a way to reduce sufferers from ragweed allergies, the West Island Health and Social Services Centre (WIHSSC) encourages homeowners to make sure that any ragweed plants on their property are removed, with particular vigilance during July and August when the insidious ragweed thrives.

The WIHSSC’s website noted that over 6,000 children suffer allergies due to the “very invasive plant. It is between the end of July and the first frost that its pale green flower releases its pollen and triggers an allergic reaction in sensitive people. We can all contribute to the improvement of the population’s respiratory health by pulling out ragweed before it produces its flowers.”

And while the main summer months are when the plant grows its most, ragweed allergies remain until the first frost in fall.

Agriculture Canada studied the effects of cutting down ragweed plants at least twice a year during the growing season reduces ragweed’s pollen production nine times.

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