Big Brothers Big Sisters of the West Island climb the walls of Montreal’s Courtyard Marriott

By Rhonda Massad

Big Brothers Big Sisters fundraiser décalade for kids will take place this year on May 31, at the Courtyard Marriott in Montreal. Participants will literally scale down the walls of the building.

Participants from age six and up can register on line for $75 per person plus $450 of pledges. This buys the participant three opportunities to scale down the walls of the Courtyard Marriott right off the roof. Donations received will go to support a match for a child to a big brother or a big sister. 

The minimum age to become a big brother or sister is 18, and a screening process is required in addition to a training program. Matches are chosen based on location, interests and schedule.

BBBS asks for a one year commitment but more often the relationships lasts for a lifetime.

“[CHOM-FM morning show host] Terry DiMonte is an exemplary a big brother who is still in touch with his little.” Francesca Corso executive director at BBBS explained to The Suburban in an interview.

“Our financial campaign ambassador Jeffrey Magid was matched with his little brother Razz over 25 years ago. Magid was Razz’s best man when he married last September,” she said.

For more information, call [514] 538-6100.

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