A caution on education

Except for one troubling issue, which pertains to its education platform, the Liberal majority win last week is most welcome and appreciated.

The Liberals seem intent to reduce bureaucracy by abolishing provincial regional offices—a great idea, but also, unfortunately, to make “school boards more autonomous.”

This is not a good idea because that will lend itself to more bureaucracy, school board secrecy, and certainly, less democracy.

That said, a respectable showing by the Coalition Avenir Québec led by François Legault was also pleasing to see, hopefully, the Liberals will pay attention to some of their proposals.

While it is unlikely the Liberals will heed the CAQ’s thought to eliminate elected school boards and transfer more power to governing boards, perhaps the new government could continue with the last government’s work regarding the issue on the future of school boards.

The Parti québécois mandated a comité d’experts to analyse all matters of finance, governance, and administration of the boards. A report was expected to be released in May.

Premier-elect Philippe Couillard should make the report’s recommendations public, and act on them.

Chris Eustace

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