Archives départementales de l’Yonne

By Jacques Gagné

www.Primary cities: Auxerre, Avallon, Sens, Joigny

The oldest document dealing with the Parish Registers is an act of baptism dated 1519 in the parish of Saint-Pierre-en-Vallée à Auxerre

• Fonds numérisés – Online searches

• État civil incluant les registres paroissiaux – 1519-1905 – 2,5 million d’images numérisées d’actes paroissiaux et de l’état civil des communes de l’Yonne – Civil Registers including Parish Registers from 1519 to 1905 for a total of 2.5 images digitized.

• État civil et registres paroissiaux – Recherche en-ligne par type d’acte; baptême, naissance, mariage, publication des bans, sépulture, décès, table décennale – Civil and Parish Registers, searches conducted online by types of act; births, baptisms, marriages, publication of banns, burials, deaths, 10 year period indexes of marriages, births, deaths

• Registres paroissiaux – 1519-1792 – Parish Registers 1519-1792

• État civil – 1793-1905 – Civil Registers 1793-1905

• Les planches du cadastre napoléonien – 7,500 planches du cadastre parcellaire qui couvrent toutes les communes du département – 1807-1860 – Land Registers 1807-1860

• Les atlas de plans d’alignement – Plans d’alignement au XIXè siècle – Atlas – Maps of lots, buildings, farms, estates during the 19th century

• Les listes nominatives de recensement de la population de 1801 jusqu’en 1936 – 95,000 images – Family Census from 1801 to 1936 – 95,000 images digitized

• Accès communal – Les communes – “Communes” (villages, towns, townships, cities) – A search option within this web site by the name of a “commune” and by clicking on the “commune” of your choice, the search results will indicate the fonds dealing with this “commune.”

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